Volunteer Application Field Reference


The MOWScheduler Volunteer Application Advanced Integration features share a common set of field definitions used to capture volunteer application data. This document details how information is captured, and lists some extra control fields that are used to fine-tune integration-related options.

Standard Fields

MOWScheduler provides a set of standard fields for tracking contacts. Simply use the API Field Names below when you submit your contact and the data will appear in the appropriate field in the contact profile. You may use as many of these fields as you want, but you must include the fields marked "required". The standard field names are case sensitive. Note: If you're using a legacy form or form-builder system such as JotForm that doesn't easily allow you to specify our standard field names, we can set up a custom field mapping to allow use of your existing form fields. Contact us if you need this.

API Field Name Suggested Form Label Required Example Data Notes
First_Name First Name ✔︎ John
Last_Name Last Name Smith
Street Street 123 Main St.
City City Syracuse
State_Province State/Province NY Use spelled out name, or 2 letter postal abbreviation.
Postal_Code Postal Code 13202
Country Country United States Use spelled out name or ISO-3166-1 code values.
Email Email ✔︎ john@domain.com Submission rejected if this email is already assigned to a Contact in our database
Alternate_Emails Alternate Emails john@domain1.com,
Separate multiple emails with a comma.
Home_Phone Home Phone 111-222-3333 See note below about Accepted Phone Number Formats.
Mobile_Phone Mobile Phone 111-222-3333 See note below about Accepted Phone Number Formats.
Work_Phone Work Phone 111-222-3333 See note below about Accepted Phone Number Formats.
Company_ID Company 23 integer company_id, can be found in Organizations export file
Company Company XYZ Associates text field, will populate the contact Organizations field only on exact match
Birthday Birth Date 07/07/1977 See notes below about Birthday Handling and accepted date formats.
Birthday_Month Birthday: Month 12 1: January, 2: February, etc. See note below about Birthday Handling
Birthday_Day Birthday: Day 15 1-31. See note below about Birthday Handling
Birthday_Year Birthday: Year 1980 Use 4 digits. See note below about Birthday Handling
Preferred_Communication Preferred Method(s) of Communication E,P E: Email, P: Phone, T: Text Message; Use comma separated list for multiple values.
Drivers_Info Drivers License # 343-33-444
License_Expiration Drivers License Expiration Date 04/05/2021 See note below about accepted date formats.
Insurance_Info Auto Insurance Information
Insurance_Expiration Auto Insurance Expiration Date 01/01/2020 See note below about accepted date formats.
Tags Contact Tags 2,3 contact tag ids for existing contact tags to be assigned to the contact based on checkbox or ? in form
Emergency_Contact Emergency Contact Info John Roe (brother) 315-555-1212 text field with info useful in case of emergency, should include name, phone, relationship

Birth Date Handling

You may submit birthday as either a complete date in the Birthday field, or separate Birthday_Month, Birthday_Day and (optional) Birthday_Year fields. Some organizations prefer to make the year optional so they can offer birthday greetings to their volunteers without asking for a birth year. If you'd prefer a real date of birth, make all 3 fields required in your form, or use the combined Birthday field.

Accepted Date Formats

  • mm/dd/yyyy
  • yyyy-mm-dd

Accepted Phone Number Formats

  • (111) 111-1111
  • 111-111-1111
  • 1111111111
  • +1 (111) 111-1111
  • 1 (111) 111-1111
  • 1 111 111-1111

Custom Fields

Custom fields can be passed along with your submissions. Simply prepend the field name for your custom field with X-. For example, if your custom field is Favorite_Color, send X-Favorite_Color.

Custom fields are stored in the Volunteer Application Detail note under the contact as key-value pairs. For example:

Custom Fields

Favorite_Color: Red
Shirt_Size: Medium
Volunteer_Task: Food Packer
Sports_Team: Bills, Colts


  • Standard field names are case sensitive
  • Custom field values are recorded as sent. You should avoid sending coded (e.g. html entity-encoded) values.
  • If a given custom field name is repeated, the key will appear once, and values will recorded as a comma separated string.
  • Field data must be a UTF-8 encoded string. (if you don't know what that means, you probably don't need to worry about it)
  • Field values are limited to 3,000 characters.
  • You may include up to 50 custom fields.
  • If your software does not allow dashes in field names (for example, the Drupal 7 webform module), you may prefix your custom field names with X_ instead of X-.
  • Fields submitted that are not either a Standard Field or prefixed with X- or X_ will not be recorded.

Meta Fields

Meta Fields are extra control fields used to configure processing options and support special features. They do not appear in the data recorded for the contact.

API Field Name Used for Required Example Data Notes
API_Key Simple POST, webhook API ✔︎ abc123def567 Key value used to authenticate your submissons.
API_Mode webhook API 1 0: Disabled (default) After application is submitted, redirect to url specified by Thank_You_URL or emit a simple generic Thank You page.
1: Enabled Return a JSON string with submission results.
Test_Mode Simple POST 1 When running in Standard Mode:
0: Disabled (default) Submission is recorded and user is redirected to Thank You page.
1: Enabled Submission details are echoed back in summary form.
Note: Test_Mode has no effect when API_Mode is enabled.
Thank_You_URL Simple POST https://yourmow.org/thanks When API_Mode is disabled, end user is redirected to the specified url after their submission is recorded.
Comments Simple POST None Spam trap honeypot. If this field contains any data, the submission will be rejected. See Spam Mitigation section for more details.

Spam Mitigation - level one: Spam Trap

Forms on public websites are often targets for spambots – automated spiders that wander around the web looking for forms. The spambot puts its irrelevant message in whatever fields it can find, and submits the form in the hopes that the posted content will show up somewhere where it will be seen. These submissions would show up as bogus entries in your contacts database. Quite annoying.

Spambots generally arenʼt very sophisticated, and they can be effectively defeated by using a CAPTCHA, the most common example being to ask your users to type in the text from a distorted text image. This works, but it puts a small burden your users.

Our first line of defense against spam is a simple method called a spam trap or honeypot. We add a field to your form that users canʼt see, but that the spambots canʼt easily identify as a hidden field. The spambots will typically insert content into this field. If the field isnʼt empty, itʼs usually a spambot submission, and we reject it with an appropriate error message. The field contains a label that instructs users of alternative browsers (handicapped-accessible screen readers, for example) to leave the field empty. This method is very effective, and causes no problems for legitimate users.

To implement the spam trap, simply add the following hidden span tag containing the empty field Comments in your form:

<span style="display:none;visibility:hidden;">
  <label for="Comments">
    Ignore this text box.
    It is used to detect spambots.
    If you enter anything into this
    text box, your submission will
    be rejected.
  <input type="text" name="Comments" size="1" value="" id="Comments">

Spam Mitigation - level two: reCaptcha

If the simple spam trap isn't doing a good enough job of discouraging the bots from abusing your Simple POST form, we support the popular Google reCaptcha service. This is the familiar "I'm not a robot" checkbox. It's a very effective form of captcha, and less annoying to most users than the old blurred text or image recognition approaches. Details on implementing this method can be found in the Simple POST Setup guide. The reCaptcha javascript code automatically adds an extra field g-recaptcha-response to your form data which is used by our servers to verify the captcha.

Note: Spam mitigation is only enforced when API_Mode is disabled. When API_Mode is enabled, your form front end system should provide spam mitigation directly.