MOW Scheduler Tutorials :: Understanding Admin Subscriptions
MOW scheduler sends email notifications to designated members of your staff in events that call for your attention. For example, someone has just signed up for an opening in the "Help Wanted" page, or information was requested through a contact form. Admin Subscription is the way to control who gets these notifications.
- Any staff member can subscribe to receive these notifications themselves. They can choose among separate event types they want to be notified on (general inquiries from "Contact Us" form, signup/cancel activities of West Side routes, etc.), in the Admin Notifications Subscriptions section of "My Account Profile".
- The MOWscheduler System Administrator of each organization can also subscribe/unsubscribe notifications on behalf of other staff users by accessing the individual's account profile. They can also do that on the Admin Notification Subscriptions page, with the benefit of a full picture of "who subscribed to what" on one page.
- For a smaller organization where all notifications are to go to one person (or two), and separate subscriptions are unnecessary, there's a short cut. In "Our Organization", one can list one or more emails (separated by commas) for the "Main Volunteer Coordinator". Event notifications will automatically be sent to these emails when no subscribers are set up individually to received them. The same "Main Volunteer Coordinator" can also be useful as the "catch" for "subscription gaps" in larger organizations.
Admin Notifications Subscriptions Page
Managing who gets what notification for the organization.
My Account Profile
Managing an individual's choice to receive notifications.
Our Organization profile
Notifications go to the main volunteer coordinator email(s) for event types that have no registered subscribers.